Tally Prime Server

Tally Prime Server is a powerful tool that offers numerous benefits to businesses.

Now use Tally server to enhance business. It is GST compliant with accurate data reporting to make the right business decisions. Customize reports as per your industry and business requirements. Seamless formatting of reports as per your requirements. With help of Tally Prime server now manage multiple companies doing away with complexities of this humongous task and focusing on company growth. File accurate taxes with Tally’s prevention, detection, and correction mechanism to avoid any margin of errors.


Tally Prime Server

Invoicing & Accounting-Metavision technology

Centralized Data Managemen

TallyPrime Server enables businesses to centralize their data and manage it efficiently. This means that all the data is stored in a single location, and all authorized users can access it as needed.

Improved Data Security

TallyPrime Server provides robust data security features, such as user-level access controls, data encryption, and data backup and restore options. This ensures that sensitive business information is protected from unauthorized access and data loss.

Increased User Collaboration

TallyPrime Server allows multiple users to work on the same data simultaneously. This enables better collaboration and real-time updates, which can help businesses make faster and more informed decisions.


TallyPrime Server is highly scalable and can support a large number of users and transactions. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses that are looking to grow and expand.

Cost Savings

TallyPrime Server can help businesses save on hardware and infrastructure costs, as it allows for the centralization of data and reduces the need for multiple installations of Tally software. Additionally, it can reduce the amount of time and resources required to manage and maintain data across multiple locations or departments.

Overall, TallyPrime Server can help businesses streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and improve data security and collaboration.

Looking for a Tally Prime Server