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Importance Automation of M.I.S.

What is M.I.S.
Management Information System

Proper System of organising volumes of data in to Coherent Reports will help managers understand the data easily and make strategic planning with more efficiency..!!
All the Organisations having proper M.I.S. will be able to take profitable and efficient decisions based on the data..!!

SWOT analysis diagram showcasing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a comprehensive analysis.

SWOT analysis is a technique for assessing the performance, competition, risk, and potential of a business


Efficient M.I.S. System should be able to display the strengths of an Organisation and thus management can Strategize to improve the Strengths.


Good Management doesn’t ignore or skip to analyse the Weaknesses and also strive to overcome the same


A clear visibility on the Opportunities will always lead an organisation design its strategy towards the long term growth


A clear visibility on the Opportunities will always lead an organisation design its strategy towards the long term growth

User Friendly

Adoption of technology that is user friendly and easy to deploy for every user of the organization


The Technology selected to be scalable to meet the ever growing needs of an Organisation


Technology Vendor should be a reliable partner to the organisation for the technology adoption

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